here is link to our newsletter....just starting to reach out to people to subscribe that are important....Ann at Adobe just signed up...maybe way to recommend yours and you recommend ours
great piece Jeremy you are on the cutting edge for our students...have you watched what China is doing in the metaverse with their advanced aI language? see below Arianna is doing piece for our newsletter in next few weeks...will be at Lehigh last week of September if you are teaching Media and Society and want me to talk AI and how I am staying up teaching
it for continuing education classes. You need to meet my old dean and ex Apple educaton head Joel Podelmy who has started a web 3.0 startup to replace Blackboard
great piece Jeremy you are on the cutting edge for our students...have you watched what China is doing in the metaverse with their advanced aI language? see below Arianna is doing piece for our newsletter in next few weeks...will be at Lehigh last week of September if you are teaching Media and Society and want me to talk AI and how I am staying up teaching
it for continuing education classes. You need to meet my old dean and ex Apple educaton head Joel Podelmy who has started a web 3.0 startup to replace Blackboard
here is link to our newsletter....just starting to reach out to people to subscribe that are important....Ann at Adobe just signed up...maybe way to recommend yours and you recommend ours
great piece Jeremy you are on the cutting edge for our students...have you watched what China is doing in the metaverse with their advanced aI language? see below Arianna is doing piece for our newsletter in next few weeks...will be at Lehigh last week of September if you are teaching Media and Society and want me to talk AI and how I am staying up teaching
it for continuing education classes. You need to meet my old dean and ex Apple educaton head Joel Podelmy who has started a web 3.0 startup to replace Blackboard
here is the article on metaverse magazine with ai in china
sign up for our newsletter if we launch we will probably hire 3-5 journalism students just graduating after internships and hopefully most from Lehigh
great piece Jeremy you are on the cutting edge for our students...have you watched what China is doing in the metaverse with their advanced aI language? see below Arianna is doing piece for our newsletter in next few weeks...will be at Lehigh last week of September if you are teaching Media and Society and want me to talk AI and how I am staying up teaching
it for continuing education classes. You need to meet my old dean and ex Apple educaton head Joel Podelmy who has started a web 3.0 startup to replace Blackboard